Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Final Model

The goal of this final model was to express a rotating surface with no definite beginning or end.The surface that I created has various forms depending on the viewers perception. If you view it from the "top" it looks different than if the viewer were to flip it over to the "bottom" or to turn it on its side. This project taught me a lot about the process of creation. I learned that less is more, as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe would say. At the start of my process, I tried to connect various rotating surfaces. However, I learned that one surface was all I needed to depict my goal. So I began to create the surface above by playing with my wooden shapes, as a child would play with leggos. At the start of this, my creative process was clouded by a million different ideas of rotating surfaces. I learned to take a step back from all my ideas and only focus on one and perfect that idea. 

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