The purpose of the project was to create an instrument based off a location. I chose the campus chapel and studied the silence that filled the area. I first thought of a conch shell, because of the theory that when you hold a conch shell up to you ear, you can actually hear the blood rushing through your ear drums. Therefore, it led to the idea that a place is so quiet you can hear the movement of your own blood. I expanded the size in order to create a room. The room will serve as an instrument that requires the user to walk through the turning walkway to change the amount of noise they hear. The user must solely rely on their sense of touch and hearing to master the instrument. The inside walls of the instrument are completely black to put all the focus on the noise. The outside of the instrument has a braided texture to encourage the user to run their hand across it, leading them inside of the “room”. The interior walls are smooth as to not distract the user from the sound of the instrument. A person’s height determines how far they can walk into the instrument due to the constant lowering of the ceiling.
My next steps with the project are to glaze and Raku fire the structure.
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