Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Salt Maker's Cabin Progressed

As we came to a close on the Salt Maker's residence project, I put my primary focus on drawings and models that sit on an accurate as possible topography to depict how the structures would sit on the site. If I had to sum up the purpose of my project in one word, it would be form. This residence became about creating a house that would be shaped by the driving forces of where it is located, and what it is to do. A model was used to explain form, and drawings were used to explain the more technical aspects of the building for the viewer. I would say that this project currently sits as a work in progress rather than a final stage, as the project is still in a more theoretical state, rather than a state of reality and feasibility of construction. I plan to progress it further over time, and more detailed pictures of the model and drawings will come soon.

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