This is my final model for the Salt Maker's residence. It is a compact house but I tried to make the most of every space by avoiding hallways and there are very few inside walls. My main focus was to keep things simple with orthogonal lines, every room is a square or a rectangle, every room is at a different floor level according to how open the room needs to appear. The first spaces of the house are very open because they are more public, and the bedroom has a lower ceiling to get the feeling of cozy and private. The main entrance is a 10x10ft open square that welcomes people and lets them know that the house is open to visits. The windows are all stretch and short in height to create a panoramic view of the outside, my idea was to frame the landscape from outside. The roofs work as a protection from the house from weather conditions, it has a double roof, the first one is a straight roof that closes the house and continues the idea of straight lines in the house, and the second roof is angled to help the water and snow flow and not stay stuck on the roof creating unnecessary weight, it is formed by triangular planes that rotate around the same axis creating a cascading effect imitating the water fall.
(I would really appreciate comments and suggestions to improve the house for the lobby expo)