Sunday, February 26, 2012

Infinite Petal Pattern

We've designed a component that is made up of hundreds of the same petal-like shape. When duplicated, each individual piece can attach to another in an infinite manner. What began as a study of interlocking pattern transformed into a large flexible cohesive structure that does not require any additional binding material.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


An installation of the same hexagon component in the previous post, only this time arranged in a 3-dimensional "stalactites,"suspended from the ceiling of the elevator.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Team Hexa Gods

One of the most challenging projects our studio has had this year. We worked on this component project for like 5 weeks. Stress was all over studio but once it was all put together and hung up we immediately left didn't touch it, but were all proud that it was finally up. To think one little hexagon cut out hundreds of times could make a pretty good installation.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Naef with Leo, Jason, and Bruce

Our first iteration of a wooden bowl/top/awesome smelling thing. Though I just discovered someone broke it, and i was about to blame Jason but Bruce just confessed.


Our studio learned a little about felt the other week; out in a cold building that looked like a torture chamber. After ignoring the cold and weird alligator arms just chillin on the other half of the room, we began to play with sheep wool and alpaca. We all made different designs for our tiles and learned new things about wool and how to turn it into felt. Campbell especially went out of his way to merge the two wools together creating "shepaca" felt. Overall a good learning experience but the weather really did not agree with us that week, because 6 of us were sick the start of next week.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Silk-Screened on cotton tee.  Six separate prints were required to create this t-shirt.  Thanks to Leo Lopez for modeling! Joel Beeby

Carbon Layers

For my layers project, I took inspiration from the crystal formation of carbon as it forms graphite.  It can be expanded, but it can also be compacted to fit within the box and sleeve.  The outside of the sleeve is covered in carbon paper.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Facial Profile Layers

My layer project looked at the differences in human profiles. I layered the profiles of my classmates side by side and in a particular order so that the different facial parts flowed one after the other, fitting into each other. The project container is a made of walnut with finger joints and lacquered.