Sunday, May 6, 2012

Team Charcool Drawing Machine

Our final first year project - a drawing machine. We used magnets placed in gears to pull iron filings that had been mixed with charcoal to create our drawing. We ended up with charcoal circles on our compositions. Lines were created from pulling the paper off - the iron filings were still being pulled by the magnets.

Painting Pendulum

The diamond framework of the drawing machine allows for a wider swinging motion of the circular pendulum.  A ball joint has been installed to the top of the frame and connects to the dispenser as well as a series of cables connected to the swing. The pendulum design demonstrates a continuous harmonic motion as the paint drips from its dispenser. When the consistency of the paint is changed, it becomes apparent through the splatter on the page. As the motion of the pendulum begins to dissipate the drop will begin to condense to one location on the canvas until it comes to a complete stop.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pokemon: Gotta CAMM 'em all!

 These Pokemon were LaserCAMM cut after drawing them in Rhino. After cutting them, I painted them with acrylic paint. These are just a few of the ones I've finished.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Team Latex

  Our charge was to create a "drawing machine" as a group. Through inspiration and discussion between us, we settled on the idea of a spinning base that holds paper while a rotating arm with some sort of mark-making device protruding from it, marking on the surface. Our final machine uses sharpies and 13"x13" paper to create the drawings. The sharpies are held in place by latex tubing on the wooden shaft, which is turned by gears attached to a crank. The wooden base is also turned by gears, which are, in turn, turned by a handle. The entire machine is human-driven, so the user/users can vary the speed and direction which the shaft and base are turning to influence the drawing.
Our drawing machine. Made out of 2x6 pine boards (the body of the machine), poplar wood (the shaft, gears, and handles), birch plywood (the turntable), latex tubing (attached to the shaft to hold the sharpie markers in place), and assorted metal washers and knobs.

The collaged technical drawing of our machine.

Several of the best drawings our machine produced.